Homeschoolers Book Club: Eleven
Friday, September 6, 2024 10:00 AM - Friday, September 27, 2024 11:00 AM (EDT)
Join us for an engaging class for students ages 7 to 12. We will be reading Eleven by Tom Rogers.
From the jacket: Alex Douglas always wanted to be a hero. But nothing heroic ever happened to Alex. Nothing, that is, until his eleventh birthday. When Alex rescues a stray dog as a birthday gift to himself, he doesn't think his life can get much better. Radar, his new dog, pretty much feels the same way. But this day has bigger things in store for both of them. This is a story about bullies and heroes. About tragedy and hope. About enemies with two legs and friends with four, and pesky little sisters and cranky old men, and an unexpected lesson in kindness delivered with a slice of pizza. This is Eleven: the journey of a boy turning eleven on 9/11. A best-seller at the 9/11 Memorial Museum, a Kirkus "Best Books" selection, and winner of Writer's Digest and Moonbeam Children's Book awards.
In addition to reading the story, class sessions will include relevant math and science lessons and will also integrate personal finance activities. Register today!
Free, please follow the link to register:
Fridays in September from 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM