Always Home's April 4, 2025 HEART TO HEART GALA to Celebrate Hope and Home
Always Home’s HEART TO HEART Gala is Friday, April 4, 2025 at the Mystic Marriott Hotel & Spa. The Gala is the nonprofit social service agency’s primary fundraiser for the year and benefits Always Home’s mission, Preventing Family Homelessness.
Always Home believes that every child needs and deserves a safe place to call home. Yet families across Connecticut are quietly struggling with the risk of homelessness. Many are parents of young children who are worried they won't earn enough to pay this month's rent. In the last year alone, more than 450 families experiencing a housing crisis turned to Always Home for help. This included 1,515 family members, including 935 children under 18, and marked the highest number of families Always Home had ever served since it was established in 1998.
“With the rising cost of rental housing and other essential needs, a growing number of low-income families are experiencing housing insecurity,” says Tricia Cunningham, Always Home’s Executive Director. “This event is about community coming together to restore Hope and Home to families who, without Always Home’s help, would be facing the threat of eviction or homelessness alone.” The annual gala raises funds that strengthens Always Home’s ability to provide Eastern Connecticut’s low-income families with case management services, short-term housing stabilization assistance and wraparound support that targets common barriers that undermine a family's ability to sustain stable housing, like a lack of childcare or loss of transportation.
Cunningham acknowledged that Always Home’s work would not be possible without an incredible community of supporters, including the Heart to Heart Gala sponsors, patrons, auction donors and attendees. She extended a special thanks to Heart of Gold “Presenting” Sponsors, The Whaler’s Inn and Darrell Fox, Financial Advisor and Vice President at PathView Wealth in Groton, CT, and to Giving Heart Sponsors Block Island Express, Groton Utilities, The Gram & Battiston Families, Mystic Aquarium, Power Posse Productions, Resolute Dental Partners, Shuta Productions, Tito’s Handmade Vodka and Wireless Zone.
The heart-inspired evening begins at 5:30 pm with open bar until 7 pm followed by a three-course gourmet dinner, silent auction of unique items and experiences, and dancing to DJ Doug of Power Posse Productions. This year, the Gala Silent Auction is open to the public for bidding. For tickets and more information about the gala, and to preview and register to bid on silent auction items, please visit To learn more about Always Home, visit