Growing Through The Seasons: Gardening Workshops
Thursday, April 3, 2025 8:00 AM - Thursday, October 23, 2025 5:00 PM (EDT)
Yellow Farmhouse and Stone Acres farmers will help you create a blueprint for your beds, plan for produce throughout the growing season, manage weeds and pests sustainably, tend tomatoes, cultivate your soil, and put your garden to rest in the fall.
All experience levels are welcome! $35 per workshop. Class Information:
- Planning Your Garden on April 3 OR April 17 from 5:30PM - 7PM (Please send an email to with which date you will attend)
- Managing Weeds & Pests on June 5th from 5:30PM - 7PM
- Tomato Cultivation on August 7th from 5:30PM - 7PM
- Soil Building: Compost and Fertilization on September 18th from 5:30PM - 7PM
- Closing & Covering Up on October 23rd from 5:30PM - 7PM
Proceeds benefit the Yellow Farmhouse Education Center, whose goal is to connect people to where their food comes from and make a local, sustainable food system accessible to all.
Meet at the Yellow Farmhouse Education Center on Stone Acres Farm, 389 North Main Street, Stonington CT 06378
Send inquiries to
389 N. Main Street
Stonington, CT 06378 United States